Choose the right playlist for balanced life
One good thing about music is that when it hits, you don’t feel pain.
Let us take EDM for example. Electronic dance music is a broad range of percussive electronic music genres made largely for nightclubs, raves, and festivals.
But considering seriously EDM is Escaping life by Dancing to Music. Everyone of us is addicted to music. We listen to music in our free time, when we are bored, when we feel stressed, when we feel alone, when we are travelling, when we party together. Music plays a very integral part in our lives. Music influences our lives unconsciously. The type of music we listen to affects every action of ours. Our current generation is obsessed with EDM taking the global perspective. EDM is highly addictive and takes us high forgetting about all our problems. EDM does deliver chill vibes, makes us relaxing. EDM gives the exact adrenaline rush required for the party mood.
But does EDM really help you get any better in life. A big NO. Simple reason being the lyrics really don’t make any sense. We just start moving to the tune and dancing to the beats. But in the reality people listen to EDM to escape stress, problems, to overcome anxiety.
The recent trends of House music, Psychedelic, Electro pop, Future bass are totally crap and make no sense. Real music with meaningful lyrics are getting rare. There was a time when bands like Beatles, Pink Floyd, Metallica, AC/DCand singers like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, 2Pac, Madonna made significant songs which brought a huge difference in the lives of people. The lyrics in their songs where so meaningful and so influential and bought a change in the society. There are still few artists in the present generation like Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Alessia Cara, One Republic, Sia who produce meaningful songs.
The real music is dying and falling prey to EDM. So next time when you find yourself playing Closer by Chainsmokers just change to In The End by Linkin Park. You will realize what it feels like to listen to real music