Movies were my best classrooms !

Upendra Ravipati
3 min readJul 19, 2019


7th November, 2014

I waited almost for an year for this day as the only person whom I have treated at God level — Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar was hitting the screens. After many restless days and sleepless nights I was there in the theater sitting alone in a cozy sofa waiting for the premiere show to start. The next 3 hours were pure magic — Adrenaline rushes, goosebumps and heartrending moments. I could say that was best movie ever to come out in mankind. As the movie completed with a standing ovation, I quickly rushed out with a racing heart and started pacing down the street with the flashes of the movie running through my mind. After walking for about a KM did I realize I forgot my bike back there, that deep I was affected by the movie. And I didn’t stop there I watched the movie for 7 times in the next 10 days.

Interstellar is just not any other sci-fi movie. It is movie blended with human emotions and the future of mankind. The father daughter relationships just shows the kind of love and bonding needed among homo-sapiens. The combo of Christopher Nolan and Hans Zimmer has always been stupendous. The BGM by Zimmer just takes the movie to next level and keeps us glued to our seats and Nolan’s story telling needs no introduction.

Best Quotes from the movie:

“Love is the one thing that transcends time and space”

“Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.”

Fight Club: When the movie was released way back in 1999, it was lashed out mercilessly by critics siting that it was just too violent and nonsensical. But no one realized the movie was way ahead of it’s time. A decade later when people started relating it to their real life did they realize the message hidden in it. Fight club portrays that everyone in this world is stuck with the pressure of earning a job, making money and living a luxurious life to satisfy the society. Modern day advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. The double insomniac character Tyler Durden exactly proves the point in the movie.

Best Quotes from the movie:

“This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time”

“You’re not your job, you’re not the car you drive, you’re not the contents of your wallet…We buy things we don’t need with money, we don’t have to impress people we don’t like”

“Only after disaster can we be resurrected…It’s only after you have lost everything that you are free to do everything”

Into the Wild: Who wouldn’t like to chill out in the edges of the mountains chewing edible wild berries, with the soft sunset rays caressing our skin, and just be alone with the breath and warmth of her/ his own self?

Christopher MacCandless, 20 years old, college graduate with a lucrative future ahead of him, had other plans. He wanted to live the life that fits him but not for the people around him, he wanted to be free from the cages of the society and get closer to nature. He let’s go of his identity, money and starts a new life travelling all across the United States understanding life, meeting strangers and finally settling down in the woods of Alaska in an abandoned bus. One day he struggles and entangles to death but with a smile on his face portraying he has no regrets left.

Best Quotes from the movie:

“Happiness is only real when shared”

“Some people feel like they don’t deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.”

“Careers are a 20th century invention and I don’t want one.”

Some movies like Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Pursuit of Happyness are just not made for 2 hours of entertainment, they have a strong message carried out to impregnate into our brains. Bollywood movies like Tamasha, Dear Zindagi, Zindagi Naa Milegi Dobara, Swades, Gully Boy have a strong hard hitting lessons about life, it all depends on how you watch and perceive the movie. Next time you decide to Netflix & Chill think twice and choose a better option. Cheers !!!



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