Purpose of Life
2,00,000 Years Ago — the first Homo Sapien (Human Being) was born on Earth evolving from the species of Apes and Chimpanzees and that was were the biggest regrets of our lives started. Today we consider ourselves as the most advanced and superior creatures of the world but comparatively a street dog lives a happier life compared to an average human being.
The evolution of human beings is viewed as a forward progress but actually we are digging a grave to not only ourselves but the whole planet itself. Right from the time you are born to death, every single moment of your life is dependent on another soul and at the cost of devastation of earth and other species. You are born with a lot of expectations from your family and society hoping one day you would grow up to take care of them and be a part of the evolving society where as a random lion in Africa never gives birth to its young ones with any expectations but just takes care of it’s basic food and shelter for a few days and then leaves it in the wild to grow on it’s own.
As you grow up, you are expected to have basic education for yourself so that you can end up having a job to earn money for your basic necessities and survival. As a baby elephant is born in the wild it’s mother teaches it how to use it’s trunk to catch food and defend itself for survival.
There comes a time in your life where you have to get married to a partner who is compatible with you to lead your whole life and you finally decide on one soul considering many external factors. A random male penguin in the Antartica searches for a pebble and takes it to a random female penguin and proposes by bowing down, if the female penguin feels he is strong enough to handle their babies she accepts without a second thought.
After all these responsibilities we are laid a certain rules and restrictions that we are only allowed to live life in a restricted way in this society. A street dog doesn’t have a set of rules set for itself to live in this universe, it wakes up whenever it wants, searches for food, wanders to random places and settles down under a tree and lives it’s live on it’s own will without any dependence.
Homo sapiens over generations have progressed umpteen times and reached a level where we are no longer looking out for basic necessities of life and survival but we have placed a lot of burden on our heads in the name of Education, Money, Relationships and Society to earn our basic bread. After all these developments there are still 1/3 of us struggling to get basic food and shelter, then what is the use of our evolution all these years.
The first generation of human beings back then when suffered from a disease died because they had no medicines/hospitals to recover and survive, today we break our bones all our lives to earn money not only for our survival but also that we can push ourselves to live more years in our dying stages. We are destroying ourselves with heavy reproduction and multiplied ourselves vastly only to create a competition among ourselves to fight against each other.
We have come to a stage where nobody real knows what is their purpose of life in this world. We are all burdened with many responsibilities and duties that we don’t realize all other creatures living in this world are living a better life unless affected by humans. In today’s world we need mental health over money, shelter over social media, food over fake life, peace of mind over prestige. We need to make our lives as simple as possible in this complicated world.
We are just a part of this universe, just because we’re the most intelligent creatures doesn’t mean we can take advantage over other fellow creatures. We need to strike a balance and stop exploiting the nature and it’s resources. The only solution is turning back to our basics and keeping our lives simple; come out of your social influences, your chains of expectations, your dependencies. You are born alone in this world, you will die alone in this world, all other people are just dependencies for existence, you can’t take their expectations and opinions seriously if you wanna live life the way you want. Sit out in the wild, gaze the stars, close your eyes and search for your purpose of life in this universe.
The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.