Slaves of Alcohol
“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.”
At any given point time of time, 0.7% of the world is drunk that accounts to approximately 50 million people which is a humongous number.
All those mornings when you wake up with a very bad hangover, one thought always comes to your mind “I’m never getting drunk again”. 99.99% lie to themselves and get drunk again and again. Today’s generation has created this fantasy where the sober guys are made to feel guilty for never touching alcohol.
Ask any random alcoholic the reason they drink, almost everyone says ‘It’s fun, entertainment, a way to enjoy life’. Ask them don’t you have any other reason which gives you the same satisfaction to get drunk and no one would disagree, but why do still people get addicted to alcohol. It has become a fad today to get out on weekends and socialize drinking all night, when you could just hangout with same group on a lunch and have more meaningful conversations going on.
Every individual finds a reason to get alcoholic and the foolish ones are the broken hearts who think alcohol is the anesthesia for their wailing heart, lest did they realize they could take it as a positive sign and move on with life. For every bad moment of your life, alcohol looks like the easiest solution to numb your pain but you never realize it’s only temporary and things are only going to get worse until you act upon it.
In today’s deranged world, as people get closer to alcohol, they are pushing themselves far away from reality. Only the day when it hits back real hard will they realize they fucked it up too hard. And it’s not only your liver which gets affected, but people fall into depression, obesity, high BP and finally leading to heart attacks.
It’s never too late, there’s always hope for recovery, there’s always a way to revive life. Be that guy who holds back from peer pressure and lives on their own terms, be that guy who can handle pressure but not alcohol, be that guy who sees a worthy life sober and intoxicated and one day you will not regret all those parties you missed but sleep to life with a clear mind. Save yourselves and your loved ones from the evil spirit and one day when a random guy says “ Save water and drink beer”, salute them with your middle finger.