You are…. Who you are !!!

Upendra Ravipati
2 min readJul 9, 2019


Everyone knows that the newborn baby cries immediately after the birth. However, not many know the reason of it. The first cry of the baby is a sign of many things. It is the first time that baby uses sound to convey its emotions. When the baby enters the real world, it faces a change in environment. Mother’s womb is a warm, silent and comfortable place for the baby. Whereas the outside world is cold and strange for the baby.

Have you ever cried cause things were falling out of hand and you were losing the path of life, guess you were going the similar struggles of a newborn baby. Maybe you were living comfortably in your own bubble and suddenly got popped out to the real world. The society is pretty much fucked up, everyone is ready to point out fingers to you for every move you make, it all depends on how you perceive the world and keep moving forward. All of us make mistakes, it all depends on how you learn from them and keep moving on avoiding making the same mistake again.

Most of us live in this world wearing a fake mask satisfying everyone around us especially our loves ones, but think for a second how long can you survive faking yourself. My dear friend take a deep breath and think is it all worth it living for others sacrificing your own happiness satisfying others. Everyone person born in this world has their own dreams and preferences, but we all give up on them to satisfying them and the fucking society. What’s the purpose of your life if you are living for others giving up on your dreams.

Remove your mask, show your middle finger to them and focus on what you wanna do. If it’s that one fucking one job you wanna nail it, go grab it. If it’s that one person you love the most, go get them. If it’s that one place you wanted to visit, sweat hard, earn your own money and go paradise in that place. If it’s that one business you always wanted to start, get that fucking courage and capital and start building your own empire. In the end on your death bed, you are only going to be left with all those regrets you wish you could have accomplished.

Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else !



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